var lang = { thankyou: "Thank You!", prices_changed: "Prices changed for all hosted chunks.", one_moment_please: "Please wait..", testing: "Testing..", url_could_not_be_verified: "URL could not be verified.", check_your_url: "Check the URL, the uploaded file and the access permissions from the server itself.", setup_successful: "Setup successful. Files will be uploaded from now on.", test_not_successful: "Test not successful. Check all settings, files, rights, etc.", test_running: "Test running, please wait.", paymentmethod_not_active: "This payment method is currently not (yet) enabled.", waiting_for_bitcoin_payment: "Waiting for payment.", do_not_reload: "Do NOT reload this page!", bitcoin_error_contact_us: "Unfortunately, the payment could not be processed.", please_wait: "Please wait..", close: "Close", max_100_chars_allowed: "Max. 100 chars are allowed.", redirecting: "Redirecting..", error_messages: { LOGIN: "Please log in first.", INVALID_BID: "Bid id not valid.", ERROR: "An error occured.", COMONG_SOON: "Coming soon..." }, tooltip: { 1: "IPFS has proven the utility of content-addressing by decentralizing the web itself, serving billions of files used across a global peer-to-peer network. It lib erates data from silos, survives network partitions, works offline, routes around censorship, and gives permanence to digital information.", 2: "Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchain networks have proven the utility of decentralized transaction ledgers. These systems are the first instances of internet-wide Open Services, where participants form a decentralized network providing useful services to pay, with no central management or trusted parties." } }