Online Calculation

Estimate the future Project Value of and its Snowden-Coin

Just change the value of the highlighted fields to update your personal expecations.

A Number of downloads/day
(1 download every 4 sec.)
B Average Revenue after VAT EUR per download
C Revenue Share of UltraUpload platform 30%
D Revenue Share for Snowden-Coin 80% of UU Revenue
E = (A * 365 * B * C * D) Total annual Revenus distributed for Snowden-Coin-Holders (24%)

0,00 EUR

F Number of Snowden-Coins 24.000.000
G = (E / F) Annual Revenue Share per Snowden-Coin

0,00 EUR

G * 100 / 5 Value of that Snowden-Coin compared with 5% interest 0,00 EUR
G * 100 / 10 Value of that Snowden-Coin compared with 10% interest 0,00 EUR
G * 100 / X Value of that Snowden-Coin compared with % interest 0,00 EUR
Scale estimation
P Avg. spending per User per month EUR
U = (A * B * 365 / 1 Mio.) / (P * 12) Required user base

0,152 User

R = (A * 365 * B * C * (1 - D) ) Annual means for operator (6%) 0,15 EUR
Operator motivation
Cover costs > 1 Mio. EUR? Insufficent
Incentive to reach goal? High